A social identity approach to leadership

Leadership is a ‘group’ process, not a ‘me’ process.

5R is an award-winning leadership programme created by researchers at the University of Queensland’s (UQ) Social Identity and Groups Network (SIGN) that helps leaders to create, advance, represent and embed a sense of shared social identity in the groups they lead.

Unlock the power of social connection.

5R helps leaders appreciate the nature of leadership as a group process, and to represent the group they lead; to advance the interests of the group; to create a sense of shared identity within the group; and to help group members live out their shared identity.

Underpinned by evidence-based science and cutting-edge theory, 5R give leaders a rich appreciation of the true nature of leadership, as well as practical skills that help them put theory into practice. By helping leaders to work more effectively with their teams, 5R is an optimal platform for personal growth, group advancement, and organisational development.

Put theory into practice.

“Leadership is not about power over others but about power through others.”

— Turner, J. C. (2005). Explaining the nature of power: A three process theory. European journal of social psychology, 35(1), 1-22.